1·Longan is wood timber.
2·Both yields of ground wood timber and chemical pulp timber increase with increase of site index and planting density.
3·It features a unique structural lattice formed of diagonal laminated wood timbers, highlighting the ingeniousness and expertise of the heavy timber industry the region is known for.
4·The cedar wood was exported as top-quality timber for architecture and shipbuilding.
5·Seed plants have many other uses, including providing wood as a source of timber for construction, fuel, and material to build furniture.
6·The reason for constructing the buildings from wood is probably that ideally proportioned straight and slender timber was available in large quantities in Scandinavia's vast pine forests.
7·Huff raised it 2.7 meters off the ground on timber pilings—long, slender columns of wood anchored deep in the sand.
Huff 用木桩将它抬高了2.7米,这条木桩又长又细,深深固定在沙子里。
8·Harvested wood must further be transformed into durable products, such as construction timber and furniture, for carbon to remain locked up.
9·Wood is also used for the building's structure. For shorter spans, the architects used solid timber elements.
10·Deltic timber: This company owns 439, 000 acres of timberland in Arkansas and Louisiana. Most of that Deltic timber (DEL, news, MSGS) USES to produce timber and pulp wood.
Deltic Timber:这家公司在阿肯色州和路易斯安那州拥有439 000英亩林地,这些林地大部分被用作生产原木和木浆。